Friday, August 13, 2010

home is where your grandmother is

so many things have happened since I got back that I did not even have a minute to post anything.

even Buni is a bit annoyed that the only moments that she catches me home is when I have my phone inserted in my ear. But tomorrow is my aunt's day, so everybody goes to their house in the countryside...

as a strange thing, I did change my name in the options panel and have edited some of the posts. this is something that I've never thought I would do...but some things have happened that have made me decide that it is better this way. On a side note, the professional life should not interfere with the private life in this manner...the only problem is when your whole life is your professional life...:). So hope it will be better in Geneva, with my new job...

I still have great plans for the rest of my holiday, and the best one is attending the engagement party of Gloria in Stockholm next week :)...really excited about that...

my 22 hrs drive for 1700 when I only stopped to put in gas (I've even eaten at the wheel) was the best driving experience ever...:) I was a zombie for 2 days after that. I just wanted to see if I can do it. And I can :).

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Stateam si ma gandeam...devine din ce in ce mai usor sa schimb tara, serviciul, locuinta. In masura in care o faci mai des, devii oarecum imun...Nu mai are impactul ala grozav de la inceput. Mi se parea fenomenal ca plec in Luxembourg. Ultimele ore in price ma simteam de parca ma priveam din afara mea...o experienta foarte bizara, dupa 2 ani de munca...

Acuma, nu stiu. Cred ca incep sa nu ma mai atasez...asta nu e un lucru bun neaparat. Ma gandeam daca asta spune ceva despre caracterul meu :)... puternica sau superficiala? ...sau merg mana in mana?

Mi se flutura destule prin cap in momentul plecarii. cel mai mult regret ca o fac asa, pe nepusa masa. In Romania am avut 4 luni sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea. Aici am avut exact o saptamana sa ma obisnuiesc...

Cert e ca o sa revin. Cel putin pentru lucrurile lasate in pivnita la Miha si pentru rotile de iarna de la garaj :)...

Adi mi-o facut viamichelin pdf din nagylac-nadlac spre Sebes city...saracul, imi tot explica ce sa fac: sa iau vigneta de la Passau si beau alte sfaturi utile.

De data asta nu mai scap de excursia cu masina. M-am fofilat pana acuma, dar...acuma e musai. Sper sa nu adorm la volan :) am mai patit atipeli din-astea...:)

Nah, sper sa apar online cam pe luni sa va povestesc aventurile...