Wednesday, July 27, 2011

About meetings

Meetings come in all shapes and forms. Exactly like people. There's the short meeting -- or the long meeting. The interesting meeting -- the boring meeting. The productive meeting -- or the pointless meetings.

And there is the hallway meeting. This is the most productive for me, by far. Chance meetings in the loo, on the stairs, in the elevator. Change of 2-3 phrases bringing the resolution of a conflict or a firm promise of delivery of an important document.

There's also the thin meeting -- or the overflowing one.
The meeting for which you are prepared -- or the one where you watch the carpet in silence, not understanding what the hell you are supposed to be doing there.

I remember my first meetings. There was this incessant buzz in my head. "Meeting" - i would be thinking - " it is soo cool, i am sitting in a meeting". Sitting being the operative word.

I've learnt that meetings can be extremely heated. That frustrated reactions can be observed. It can be funny sitting in meetings. Or not :).

One of my favourites is the sleepy meeting. The one where an imaginary me curls up below the long meeting table and goes to sleep. I can hardly ever tell you after what the meeting was about. And they usually happen in the days following the wild nights :).

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