Friday, November 12, 2010

dark rainy day in Geneva

...the first until now. Listening to Louis Armstrong in the car for atmosphere...

You definitely have too thin walls when you know your neighbour's alarm tone.

Finally the big day to clean the new appartment arrived and perhaps tomorrow I might even move in. Still no furniture yet, hopefully there will be a max 2 weeks delay and I will have it. Already planning the housewarming party...thinking of having it for the Romanian National day, 1 December, or to have it in a wknd close to that date.

1 comment:

marcel said...

Hey, daca muţi petrecerea o sa pot veni şi eu :P. 1 decembrie e în mijlocul saptămaânii şi în weekendul următor vine Anca la München.

Propun weekendul înainte de 1 decembrie, mă ofer să te ajut cu mobila.