Thursday, July 17, 2008

‘…have you ever seen the rain?’

Clima temperat oceanica=ploua.

During the last few days, as there is no info from the client, I’ve brought the CFA books with me to work, meaning I’ve had a lot of time to think about …myself.

It’s relatively easy to spot my driving mistakes and try to address them, try to correct them in a rational manner. It’s the same with every problem around. Why, then, is it much harder when it comes to dealing with my emotional issues?

Why is everything suddenly much more complex and …even painful. Maybe that these fundamental issues are the very things responsible with my ‘way of being in the world’.

A colleague at work has been talking about names today, their significance and importance.
My personal belief is that names do not necessarily define you. One can refine and redefine a name until the name becomes a living entity that the person puts on and wears for the rest of his/her existence. ‘A name? What’s in a name? A rose, by any other name would smell as sweet?’ However, the word rose brings to our nostrils the fragrance, brings out the colors and details that define the rose. A name is a convention. If a person lived within his/her name long enough, the name acquired a substance of its own. Does the name define a person, then?
A name of somebody we know brings to our eyes the image of that person, together with the other details associated, smell, memories, feelings…
So a name is a powerful tool in generating a desired effect in somebody…What about the loved ones? Do we represent their being using the name, or is it something more powerful and more direct and more complex than their name?
Is naming something like calling that thing to life, acknowledging its existence?

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