Thursday, September 18, 2008

On the subject of naming cars

Today was a most typical day. Training, therefore intercultural exchanges, namely learning about Scotts and Scottish stuff, particulary Lochs and the Mackenzie stronghold:).

Also, today we had a most heated debate on giving names to our cars as if they were some kind of beings. Examples of names from the people pro-naming the cars:

Mimishor, also called Mimi, most beloved and most elegant property of Cris.

Pameloi, or Pam, the big bad grey boy of Adrian.

Tractorashu', the black Peugeot of Crina.

People! A little attention please! Cars are not people, they are not even beings. They're not even as good as cats are. Cars do not get to be named, this is completely silly!

My car does not have a name and it will never have a name. However, Cris insists on calling it 'Griutza', which proves that not always all things are under our control, even though I would much desire to be so.

PS: my uncles's cars names: Anicutza and Natalitza (although now that they've changed cars, they might have changed their cars's names as well).


Anonymous said...

griutza e trist rau de tot. friday lack of imagination. Cars do have names.

Maria Ghibu said...

relatia maria masina este de functionalitate, nu de afectiune. therefore, cars do not have names. si cu toate astea, masina mea a fost botezata, destinul propriei masini nu e in mainile noastre?:)