Monday, March 31, 2008


Mi-am facut un test pe net, ceva cu varsta psihologica si rezulta ca am 35 de ani:))...Pentru cei care nu mai sunteti la curent: am inca 25 :))...Si nu sunt nici sociabila, daca nu m-ati vazut in ultima vreme, m-oi fi schimbat destul de mult:)), sau nu mai inteleg eu definitia lui 'sociabil':))...Ce mai, m-am infuriat de numa, ca, deh!, adevaru' doare! :)) si n-am incredere in nimeni:)...iar cu autoritatea...n-am nici o problema, am cel mai mare respect, de-asta aveam cele mai multe absente in liceu si eram amenintata de profi: 'nu te bag in bac'...:).

'Varsta ta psihologica este: 35 de ani. Ai multa energie si-ti place sa te implici in multe activitati. Esti echilibrat(a) si realist(a). Nu esti foarte sociabil(a), dar faci parte dintr-un grup de prieteni si ai un cerc de relatii pe care incerci sa le mentii. In schimb, daca se intampla sa cunosti persoane noi, iti este mai greu sa mentii legatura cu acestea. Nu-ti plac foarte mult schimbarile, insa poti sa te descurci bine atunci cand aceastea apar in viata ta. Increderea ta in cei din jur este limitata, stii sa le arati increderea ta, dar in acelasi timp esti pregatit(a) si pentru dezamagirile pe care ti le-ar putea produce. Respecti regulile si autoritatea pana in momentul in care acestea iti par irationale, iar atunci incerci sa le schimbi.'

Testul: aici: > target="_blank">

PS: I have done an online test, and it seems that my psichological age is...35 :)).

About the purpose

My posts have a dual purpose:

1. first, they relate me to the world, and usually these are the posts in English, but moreover, they are the posts with details and hints, things that happened during the week, people in my life, and other of the sort.

2. second, they relate me to myself, by having the psychoterapeutic function of a quest. Hence the boat, and the meaning of the story behind the boat picture: the connection between the hero and the subject, in this case, the 'subject' being the theme of the voyage. (Because the quest is not always a quest, sometimes it is a voyage? :)) )

I have been told, yet another time, that I forgot to write in English.

I did not forget, but I believe that some aspects are of no interest to the people reading my blog posts and that I can write them only to find a sense among the things going on in my head.

So, going back to the purposes:

1. I need to keep in touch and somehow preserve, maintain, develop and encourage the relations with the friends I have and who are reading my needs time to grow a friendship and time is something I do not have right now. But I need my friends and their input, so I try to make a communication compromise. What I am not happy with: the fact that I do not have the same chance of reading their blogs/potential blogs.

2. I need this space and method to find some things about myself. I chose to do it like this and I am aware that it is partly innapropriate. So I am trying to find a balance between what I need and what I can actually do on my blog. These are merely notes to myself, and therefore criptic and uninteresting for many of those reading the posts...

In the end, I cannot solve this English/Romanian issue:). Sometimes I'm merely too tired to be able to produce an English post, especially when I realise it's not gonna be too much use to anybody, anyway.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Despre lucrurile cu adevarat importante 1

Am noroc de prieteni faini. Si tot incearca ei sa-mi spuna ca ce fac eu este un 'fumat virtual' (ieri), un inlocuitor temporar nesatisfacator al lucrurilor pe care le vreau.

Adevaru-i ca nu-mi dau seama care sunt lucrurile cu adevarat importante pentru mine acum ('nu stii ce vrei'), si mai ales nu simt ca am energia sa infrunt astfel de intrebari. Asa ca prefer sa-mi ocup mintea cu tot felul de preocupari paralele lucrurilor cu adevarat importante. De unde si decizii de felul: anul asta vreau sa termin ACCA, hai sa incep si CFA la iarna. De bine de rau, aceste decizii ma tin ocupata si obosita mare parte din timp. Timp care trece, lucru pe care il discutam intr-un post precedent. Deci sunt un strut veritabil. Aspectul pozitiv al problemei este ca, momentan, nu ma tulbura cu-adevarat tot felul de dileme existentiale. Aspectul negativ este ca, in cele din urma, toate aceste probleme pe care le pun in paranteza ma vor prinde din urma. Sunt constienta ca pur si simplu unele lucruri nu pot fi decat amanate. Dar intotdeauna am gandit ca e mai bine sa ma confrunt cu problemele (sau falsele probleme) mai degraba mai tarziu decat mai devreme pentru ca, poate, in viitor voi fi mai bine 'echipata' sa le gestionez.

Tot acest intro vrea sa spuna ca m-am plictisit de invatat, ca merge foarte incet si ca o fac tocmai pentru ca mi-am auto-impus un ritm dracesc, greu de sustinut si in care sunt nevoita sa investesc toate resursele de energie si de timp. Cu mici exceptii, de exemplu timpul in care scriu pe blog, sau timpul in care prietenii mei dragi si de departe incearca sa ma aduca la o normalitate discutabila, reusesc sa ma 'imbat cu apa rece', cum s-ar spune.

Printre altele, m-am uitat aseara la acest clip:
la care am ras in continuu.

Si mi-am dat seama ca uneori aduc foarte mult cu cineva care se povesteste pe sine, dar nu in felul 'bun' al lui Julien Green Placerea de a te povesti tie insuti ci in felul 'nociv', à la Bush junior:).

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Despre filme si alti demoni

Ieri noapte, dupa infrangeri succesive in decurs de 6 zile pe frontul invatatului la Corporate Reporting, mi-am spus ca n-ar fi rau sa 're-vizitez' un film care mi-a placut foarte mult: Sin City.

Mi-am adus aminte cat timp am cautat Jackie Brown pe Dc++ in vremurile glorioase din camin, cum am vazut From dusk 'till dawn intr-o noapte, si apoi n-am mai dormit deloc, cum am gasit din intamplare Reservoir dogs si abia apoi mi-am dat seama cine il regizeaza, cum dupa multi ani, am reusit sa ma uit si eu la Natural Born Killers si cum look-ul Umei Thurman in Pulp Fiction ma urmareste si acum. Ce mult mi-a placut Tim Roth in Four Rooms si ca de fapt eu inca nu am vazut Kill Bill 2...

Sin City este genial, evident nerecomandat minorilor:))...sau, ma rog, celor minori la cap:). Mickey Rourke e fascinant, a inviat Rutger Hauer, plus alte aparitii de staruri in roluri minuscule ca si timp in pelicula. M-am simtit, ca si prima data, sub un bombardament de senzatii, ca intr-un meci (virtual:) ) de box in care aveam mereu impresia ca trebuie sa ma feresc, sau ca trebuie sa ies din rolul de spectator, si totusi nu reuseam sa ma desprind de ecran. Aproape toate scenele sunt picturale. Coloana sonora, vocile din fundal, impecabile - in cazul lui Mickey Rourke, mai mult decat atat...

Ca si calup de regizor, singurele filme care mi-au placut la fel de mult ca si cele ale lui Tarantino sunt cele ale lui Scorsese:
The Gangs of New York
The Aviator
The Departed

Culmea, toate avand ca si personaj principal un actor a carui recunoastere vine dupa Titanic: DiCaprio. Si care are foarte multe proiecte cu Scorsese, dar are roluri foarte bune si in pelicule ale altor regizori, vezi (de ex) Blood Diamond.

Ca si interese curente, de vazut There will be blood, cu alt actor care imi place foarte mult, incepand cu The Gangs of New York: Daniel Day-Lewis. Si pe care l-am mai vazut doar in The Last of the Mohicans, spre marea mea rusine...

Imi vine sa rad cand ma gandesc la mine in anii de facultate. Ar fi trebuit sa-mi dau licenta in filmologie, dar din pacate prindeam mult prea mult filme proaste si ma uitam la filme pentru ca ma plictiseam cand mergeam la cursuri, nu pentru ca mi-as fi propus sa vad filme sistematic. Daca ploua, era in regula sa nu merg la scoala si sa vad intre 5-8 filme pe zi:). Colegii mei isi amintesc si inca rad de mine: ma vedeau numai la examene si rar reuseam nota maxima, pentru ca niciodata nu aveam note decente la seminar...In sesiune invatam in Dumars si cand era clubbing serios, pe la 2-4 a.m. vibrau mesele in cantina...Dupa care mergeam in Piranha.

Asa ca am vazut toate genurile de filme (toate piratate si de pe DC++, ca cine avea bani de cinema, cred ca am vazut in total 10 filme la cinema in cei 6 ani cat am stat in Bucuresti), incepand de la chick flicks pe care nu ti le mai amintesti in timp ce inca te uiti la ele, trecand prin filmele de groaza, pe care le vedeam cu Mon (care era fan) si la care ma uitam cam 10%, restul timpului fiind sub perna:), si nu in ultimul rand, primul film porno, recomandat de Mon...

Am vazut si A Clockwork Orange sau 1984 (pe care n-am reusit sa-l vad pana la capat, ca am adormit) sau An American In Paris ('Let's have some champagne, they're all a bottle ahead of us...'). Sau nu am vazut decat jumatate din Breakfast at Tiffany's, deci inca nu stiu ce se intampla cu motanul...

Cu retrospectiva asta, realizez ca daca in liceu am citit (tot asa, nesistematic si fara nici un motiv aparent), in facultate am vazut filme. Iar de cand muncesc, nimic.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Issues no 2

This is the no 2 of the series of 'Issues bothering me'...It concerns the fact that I find it very hard (sometimes impossible) to accept that things can unfold in a different manner than I want them to unfold.

Long story short: I can't accept defeat. I have a moment (more moments, or even a considerable amount of time for certain things in my life:)) ) when I cannot possibly conceive the fact that I cannot have what I want, when I want it or how I want it. Might seem a little bit frightening, I admit. That's why the title is 'Issues'.

I can, usually, find ways around these 'defeats' - they are only defeats if I perceive them as such and I can actually make a drama out of failing the driving test the first time:).

Speaking of which: I got a little scared picturing me at the wheel. I hope I will not have any major accident during my first year of driving, otherwise I will probably find it very difficult to get a decent third party insurance premium:)).

Paranthesis closed.

I am curious whether this second issue of mine really makes a 'control freak' out of me, or is it something perfectly normal, something that each and any of us faces in certain moments of their existence...

This issue of mine might have roots in the fact that I was somehow programmed (since I was very small) to always fight for what I wanted. I was told that there is no such thing as 'I cannot', there is only a 'I do not want to' and that it was not acceptable.

One of my former counsellors in PwC made a statement about me when she left the Company: looking back on some of our common assignments and seeing me 'in action', so to say, she said that the thing that she liked most when working with me was that, I quote:
'If the door is shut in your face, you get in using the window and still get want you went there to get'.

I took it as a compliment, might be problematic, though:)) (and the translations get from bad to worse:)), this is literally what she said in Romanian).
This 'compliment' can easily turn me into a freak, I need to carefully consider whether this 'issue no 2' is not something I want to amend... as it tends to get me 'fixed' on an issue, because it has a close link to issue no 1, when I actually can ignore everything else around a certain, current and stringent 'problem'.

0. Something is not right
1. Define the problem
2. Consider alternative ways to tackle the problem
3. Choose a way to tackle the problem
4. If successful, move to the next problem definition
5. If unsuccessful, try first another way to tackle the problem, if ok, follow 4, if failure, think outside the box and re define the whole approach, if success, follow4, if failure, fix on the problem and be stuck ...forever:)
6. the funny thing: when step 0 is multiple and the loop goes on until the fixing stage

Major issue: when a significant event in my life or a particular/specific circumstance gets me fixed on it ('it' can vary from men-significant and stringent- to professional-significant and stringent :)) ).
Chances for me to get over it: virtually inexistent:).

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I have long wanted to discuss publicly a certain peculiar aspect of my, not that of the parentless child, this time:).

I am talking about the imposibility to focus on more than one thing at once. And one good example is the post concerning my hunger. If I'm hungry, thirsty, if I need to go to the toilet :), anything...I can't concentrate on other issues. One aspect can occupy the entirety of my brain. Unlike Napoleon or women, I can only focus on the task/idea at hand...Sometimes, it comes in handy, like for example when I need to study and it's noisy, when I need to work and people talk to me:), when I need to sleep and there's a party around (loud music, lights on and off, people:) )...maybe this last skill is more trained and acquired than native, I've actually developed it when I was in college and the bed was vibrating due to the music that was extremely loud...:)

I've kept wondering whether this is something I've learned to do or something that's an intrinsec characteristic...

Anyway, because I was hesitant in using 'wondering' in the above sentence and I'm still not sure whether it was the correct use:), I give u now a bit of one of my favourite poems:

1 Art thou pale for weariness
2Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
3 Wandering companionless
4Among the stars that have a different birth,
5And ever changing, like a joyless eye
6That finds no object worth its constancy?

And we can play find the author, although I'm not sure I shouldn't just input the name right now to avoid copyright problems later:)...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Funniest fucking stand up comedian

I have fallen through the cracks...:)) I have succombed to the benefits of TV watching:)), finally after 6 to 7 long years I have given in and ...well, you can evaluate the result:

I have discovered Lewis Black by watching Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. There is a section called: Back in Black:))...and I'm serious that he's the funniest fucking stand up comedian...took an Emmy in 2007 if you need any referrals.

Or, I should say, if you're easily offended and not open to listening to an enraged jewish man, you shouldn't watch any Lewis Black. Anyhoo :)), the best of, or at least what I think is the best of Lewis Black from what I've watched until now, is to be found in Stewart's The Daily Show. Just click on videos and then on the Lewis Black tag and you can navigate urself from there:

There's a good crop of Lewis Black posts in you tube as well:


Friday, March 21, 2008

blogul despre foame

Cum nu am reusit sa mananc de ieri de la pranz (adica de mai bine de 24 de ore), acum nu ma pot gandi decat la mancare.

Asa ca am ajuns la urmatoarele concluzii:
1. Filosofia trece prin stomac
2. Dragostea trece prin stomac
3. Totul trece prin stomac
4. Ma duc sa mananc

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Mi-am dat seama ca incep sa cam emit judecati de valoare si tot felul de opinii pe fuga aici pe blog. Tot timpul m-am confruntat cu problem de natura asta, motiv pentru care mi-am si restrictionat postarile de pe blogul precedent.
Intre a fi atenta la de emit (continut, dar si forma) si a nu-mi pune problema asta, pe deasupra tuturor celorlalte:), s-ar putea sa revin la o forma restrictionata.
Nu neaparat pentru ca imi fac griji ca aberatiile mele ar putea fi populare:), ci pentru ca...scripta manent:).

Cartea de autobuz

Pentru ca mi-am reinceput incursiunile la ortodont (lunare, ce-i drept), am reusit sa revin la conceptul de 'carte de autobuz'. La momentul actual, este vorba despre Thocomerius- Negru Voda. Un voivod de origina cumana la inceputurile Tarii Romanesti.
Din pacate nu cred ca am suficiente cunostinte de istorie si mai ales despre perioada respectiva (controversata, de altel), ca sa aprecize cartea la justa ei valoare. Oricum, chiar si pentru un neinitiat, aduce un suflu nou, o abordare aerisita si usor de urmarit. Despre problemele ridicate si despre veridicitatea surselor n-as putea sa ma pronunt, dar citind cartea asta imi formez sau mai degraba imi re formez imaginile generate de informatiile din scoala generala.
Existenta organizata a cumanilor pe teritoriul actual al Tarii Romanesti este demonstrata prin toponime si patronime. Oricum, geniala este usurinta cu care un cititor amator (si nu specialist) de istorie poate sa isi formeze o opinie (bazata pe felul in care teza cartii este argumentata).
Asta ma face sa-l suspectez pe domnul Neagu Djuvara de a fi un scriitor care se adreseaza maselor:). De unde concluzia mea ca este important motivul pentru care o carte este scrisa si impactul ei se masoara in functie de obiectivul (manifest sau nu) al scriitorului.
Ma opresc aici, pentru ca pasul urmator ar fi sa discut arta de dragul artei:).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I feel like a little rabbit with Duracell batteries.
To prove my theory that I work better under stress, yesterday, after 14 hours at the client (I left at 11.30), I went home and read something of the Rushdie novel...And then, this morning, having a dispense from the manager from arriving at 8.30, I took the extra 40 minutes to read a chapter for ACCA...

Now I'm looking forward for the crisis, which is bound to appear somewhere in Mid March-Mid April: I will be burnt out and I will relive the experience from last year...

Meanwhile, the show must go on.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Is time patient?

This is the beginning of a Romanian novel, studied in school...The author starts by saying that time has infinite patience concernig the people, and ends by saying that time has no patience. In between, the novel, the story.

For some time, I have felt that time has no patience...I need more time:) to be able to do all the things I have set out to do. I am not even mentioning the things that I would like to do...

Maybe I am truly working better under stress. And maybe the only thing I need is make up to cover up the signs that the lack of sleep leaves on my face. Somebody told me today that I am getting older. My birthday is coming up soon, true, but I have never thought of it in these terms. Older...

Maybe. I like to think I'm actually wiser. Meaning I no longer bother to think about the fact I'm getting older:). I was depressed when I turned 20. Now I'm used to getting older each year:).

My most extravagant goal is to finish the Rushdie novel within a week. I will let you know about the outcome of this resolution, and probably/possibly/preferably produce a little comment around the book.

While waiting for my birthday to come and set me older:).

Monday, March 17, 2008

Teared between the two

I have realised recently that there are two things that I like: my job, sometimes, in certain respects, and reading books.
I thought whether I would like to give up my job in order to have more time to read, and I realised that I might like it for several weeks, and the holiday might prove sufficient for that.

However, there are moments, this being one of them, when I truly regret I do not have enough time to read the books that I have started a few months ago (well, more than a few...).

I have started (meaning I've read about 20% of it:)- I know, I measure like an auditor:) ) Shalimar the Clown, written by Salman Rushdie. I have often heard about this autor before, and never been tempted to read anything of what he wrote. And one day, browsing through the books in a bookstore in Luxembourg, I've come across this smallish book, thickish and with an interesting cover. I realised it's written by Rushdie, and I decided to buy it, so I wouldn't have to say I have never read a book by Rushdie. A long time had passed before I actually took it off the shelf to read it. And after I had read the first pages, I decided it was not far from boring... but then I fought my way through it, and at some point, it caught my attention.

Since then, I look at it constantly and never get the actual physical time to immerge myself into those pages...I will let you know how I feel about it by the end and hope this will come sooner rather than later:).

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Aici sau acolo?

Nu stiu de ce, de la o vreme, ma simt aici in fundul lumii. Viata imi e plictisitoare. Nu mai vreau sa muncesc, asta mi se intampla intotdeauna cand chiar este nevoie sa depun niste eforturi semnificative in materie de energie si de timp...Am senzatia ca nu ma pot smulge dintr-o oarecare stare de imponderabilitate/surzenie/somnolenta. Da, e cam greu sa le distingi si sa le contracarezi pe toate trei de-odata. Merg pe strada si ma frapeaza cate strazi desfundate pot sa aiba acesti oameni. Cate santiere. Cate natii, cate soiuri de iaurturi...cine are nevoie de ele? Discutam azi despre gasirea sensului. Asta poate fi interesant, daca inca iti mai pasa. Am luat cu mine tot ce speram sa las in urma. Mi-am luat propriile temeri si ezitari. Un prieten francez, ca sa dovedesc universalitatea ascestor teme, fuge de el insusi in Asia. Ce poate fi mai caracteristic pentru vremurile pe care le traim. Pe plan concret, client, stres la birou, zi-lumina, fara pauze, masina (deja o tema obsedanta), chirie, colocatari, examene, carti, studiu, pe plan abstract, de ce eu, de ce aici, unde si cand...

Am terminat azi de citit cartea lui Radu Pavel Gheo. Mi s-a parut scurta pentru un an intreg in America (scriu America si nu US intentionat, America este taramul fagaduintei strabunicilor mei...). Observatii pertinente si impertinente la RPG. Interesante si totusi nu...N-am de gand sa-i disec 'Adio, adio, patria mea'. O puteti citi, dar nu veti afla nimic nou. Intrebarea e nu unde, ci de ce. Pentru ca aici sau acolo, acasa sau nu, centrum mundi sau axis mundi. Nu mai conteaza nimic din toate astea. Raspunsul este ca ma lupt inca pentru ceva, si o fac deja cu mari eforturi. Numai ca mi-am dat seama ca nu stiu pentru ce ma lupt. Discutie foarte interesanta cu Andrei, varutu' meu. Redescopar oameni. Ma uit in jur si nu inteleg. Plonjez din nou intr-un volum de munca ce nu-mi lasa loc pentru ezitari si intrebari.

Friday, March 14, 2008

pe scurt de la client/a quick one from the client

Pauza de masa. Timp pentru scris in blog inainte de a o tuli sa mananc. Imi place munca mea, ceea ce nu e chiar rau. Ma astept la schimbari destul de mari in viitorul apropiat. Sa vedem ce imi rezerva urmatoarele cateva luni...

Lunch break. Time for a quick entry in the blog, before I run to get some food. I like my work, which is not quite bac. I expect pretty big changes in the near future. Let's see what the next few months have in store for me...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Clientul care nu se mai termina/Neverending client

Da, sunt din nou la clientul acela, singurul, care pare a nu se mai termina. Maine, ziua cea mare, in care viitorul nostru coleg de apartament va vizita viitoarea lui camera. Asa ca am facut curat:), ca sa-l inducem in eroare. Nu in oroare:). La munca, la client toata ziua, cel putin 11 ore pe zi adica...Cel putin o sa-mi plateasca orele suplimentare in martie, si-mi voi putea plati masina. Imi pare rau ca sunt prea obosita ca sa detaliez, mi-ar fi placut sa povestesc pe larg despre cartea lui Radu Pavel Gheo, ca era sa scriu Radu, Pavel si care am inceput-o azi la primarie cand stateam la coada sa imi iau un formular fiscal fara de care nu se poate, despre muncitorii italieni de la client, care toata ziua monteaza birouri si incaperi si asculta Bocelli si alti cantautori (!:) ) italieni, despre colegul senior italian, care e amuzat de conationalii lui constructori, despre romani in Luxembourg si cum sunt ei apreciati si vazuti, despre Luxembourg, aceasta capitala a nivelului de trai, in care toate strazile seamana cu strazile din Bucuresti, in care se lucreaza neincetat de catre muncitori constructori ne-luxemburghezi, in care in fiecare zi se mai inchide o strada si se mai desfunda un loc, in care mai rasare un santier si in care e din ce in ce mai greu sa parcurgi distantele normale (casa-client-birou-primarie-retur). Imi planificasem sa mai scriu ceva si despre emisiunea lui Bourdain, dar am uitat intre timp ce. Mai am mult de invatat pentru ACCA si deja am reusit sa raman in urma. Maine inca o zi grea la client.

Approximate English translation
Yess, again at the client, the only, the neverending client. Tomorrow, the big day when our future apartment mate will visit his future room. So we cleaned up, to make him believe it's gonna be like that:). Not to scare him off:). Work, at the client all day, at least 11 hours per day...At least I will get paid for the overtime, and I will have the money in time to be able to pay for the car. I am sorry I am too tired to go into details, I would have liked to discuss more about the book of Radu Pavel Gheo, I almost wrote Radu, Pavel and Gheo...which I have started today in the townhall when I was waiting in line to get an indispensable tax card, about the italian workers from the client premises, who build up offices and desks all day, listening to Bocelli and other italian singers, about the italian senior, who is amused by the italian workers, about Romanians in Luxembourg and how they are perceived and appreciated, about Luxembourg, this capital of the high income, in which all the streets look like the streets in Bucharest, where the non luxembourgish inhabitants work all day, for which every day brings with it the closure of another street and the re-making of another, where every day one can see yet another construction site and where it becomes harder and harder to walk the normal distances: home- client-office-townhall-retour. I had also planned to write again about Bourdain's show, but meanwhile I forgot what I wanted to add. I have still a lot to learn for ACCA and I am already behind. Tomorrow yet another difficult day at the client.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Dilema noua:)

Ma tot gandesc de azi dimineata cum sa impart postarile in doua. Cum ar fi sa scriu in romana si sa traduc in engleza? Prietenii mei de aici sunt suparati ca nu mai scriu in engleza. Dar n-am nici un haz scriind in engleza, ma oboseste si parca nu sunt eu, suna oarecum artificial.
As incerca varianta R+E, dar trebuie sa renunt la toate nimicurile de peste zi si sa urmaresc o anumita tema. Faptul ca am renuntat la blog-ul meu vechi si m-am mutat aici ma stimuleaza sa redefinesc modul de abordare al acestui mod de comunicare. Va trebui sa re-definesc putin continutul si modul in care in care imi prezint ideile, daca tot am facut re-branding:).

Am avut aseara o discutie interesanta cu un prieten care e acum in Bucuresti. Mi se pare iesit din comun modul in care pune problema relatiilor, problema fostelor sale relatii. Cu modul meu simplist de gandire:), eu imparteam barbatii in doua categorii: cei care vor o relatie 'normala' cu o femeie, adica isi asuma toate placerile si neplacerile care deriva din respectiva relatie si cei care nu vor decat multe femei:). De mult ma suspectez ca modul asta simplist de a pune problema este eronat. Aseara am avut inca o confirmare ca de fapt multi dintre durii inabordabili au nevoie de la fel de multa afectiune ca noi toti (si cand spun noi toti ma refer la femei si barbati deopotriva:) ).
Am discutat putin si despre refugierea in munca. Despre faptul ca, dupa o dezamagire in dragoste, tendinta fireasca este sa te tii deoparte o perioada si intre timp, ca sa nu te gandesti, muncesti non stop. Ca nu tine cu invatatu':), daca incerc sa invat dau in 'visatu' cu ochii deschisi':). Acuma, na, eu mi-am luat masina. Poate scapam mai ieftin cu o bluza sau cu niste pantofi:)). Ne-am tinut de urat, eu si prietenul meu din tara, online, incercand sa ne incurajam sa trecem peste momentele astea. Nu-i rau...:), se putea si mai rau decat sa ne consolam reciproc online:).

English (approximate) translation:

I kept thinking, starting this morning, if there is a way to split my posts. How about writing in Romanian and translating in English? Some friends are upset that I dit not continue to write in English. But I am not funny writing in English, it's tiring and it seems I am not actually the one writing, it sounds artificial.
I would try R+E, but that means that I will have to give up writing all the nonsense going on in a typical day and focus on a specific issue. Giving up my former blog and moving here represents a stimulus for my decision to redefine the way I approach this type of communication. I will also have to re-define the content and the way it is presented, as long as I have done the re-branding already:).

I had an interesting discussion last night with a friend who is now in Bucharest. I believe that his approach of male-female relationships, and specifically of his former relationships, is atypical. I have a rather simplistic approach to this issue: for me, men are either 'normal' and desire a relationship where they are ready to welcome the pleasures and inconveniences that come along, or simply want a lot of women:). I have long thought that my approach might be biased. Last night I had yet another confirmation that a lot of the tough machos (am I repeating the same characteristic? :) ) need as much affection as do all of us (and by all of us I mean women and men alike).
We have also talked about finding refuge in being a workaholic. About the fact that, after having a big personal dissappointment, the normal tendency is to keep aside for a while and meanwhile, work work work in order not to think about it. Learning doesn't help:), if I try to study I find myself day dreaming:). Well, personally, I've bought a car. It might have been a lot cheaper to get a dress or some shoes:). So my friend and I have kept each other company online, trying to encourage one another to get through this period. Not bad:) could have been worse than finding refuge in 'each other's arms' online:).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

O frumoasa zi de martie la birou - ignorarea tuturor sarcinilor curente

Azi am avut timp sa nu fac nimic.
M-am bucurat de el nefacand nimic toata ziua (deja 6 ore).

1. erau numai francezii in jurul meu prin birou, si astia se prefac toata ziua buna ziua ocupati, desi nu lucreaza nimic. A trebuit si eu sa ma prefac, asa ca am obosit putin.
2. nu stiu ce pun in timesheet, as pune professional develpment:).

Azi dimineata m-am dus devreme la etajul 2, la colegul meu Rares, sa-mi iau cartile de Corporate Reporting. Parea ocupat, nu am stat mult, am urcat la mine la 4. Mi-am facut cafiaua, am savurat-o, am citit presa. Am meditat asupra faptului ca am prea putine site-uri ca si favorite si ca, daca am mai mult de 2 ore pe zi de umplut... o patesc:). Dupa 2-3 articole de prin Cotidianu' si Catavencu', m-am mutat pe The Daily Telegraph, printr-un link. Apoi pe Financial Times. M-am plictisit de toate articolele serioase. Am citit despre 'la petite Anglaise' si despre chirurgia non-invaziva, despre (inca) un articolas referitor la emisiunea lui Bourdain, despre ce job-uri as putea avea in Londra si despre alte nimicuri. Citit de asemenea si un interviu cu Nic Sarbu, dupa ce am descoperit ca este redactor la IP si vroiam sa stiu ce background are. Chestie care a generat nostalgii legate de fostele mele viitoare studii post-graduate in US.

Apoi m-am mutat putin pe site la BPP ca sa ma uit pe cuprinsul manualelor si sa-mi fac un oarecare plan in abordarea celor trei examene. Mi-am facut un plan detaliat, in xls, bazat pe ore, minute, capitole, pagini, subiect si numar de probleme. M-am uitat in calendar sa vad daca am timp. Am intrat in panica, pentru ca de fapt nu am suficient timp. Am parlamentat cu Sorin despre faptul ca 4 examene ACCA pe sesiune in momentul in care muncesti este mult prea mult si ca tentativa este sortita esecului (eu sunt la birou/client intre 10 si 12 ore pe zi, dar el s-ar putea sa munceasca mai mult) .

Am primit directive de la una din managerele cu care lucrez sa iau legatura cu clientu'. Mi-am dat seama ca nu am chef sa vorbesc cu el, in franceza, cu aparatu ortodontic si cu minimele mele cunostinte de limba, de fata cu toti colegii francezi. Asa ca i-am dat un mail. O sa fac maine dimineata follow up cu un telefon, ca sigur ma intreaba daca l-am sunat. Paranteza: colegii francezi, obsedati de telefon, toata ziua povestesc...

Singurul lucru cu care imi place sa ma laud astazi este ca am terminat de citit biografia lui Tolkien. De notat perfectionismul autorului, si concluzia mea: cum poti sa-ti traiesti viata pentru un scop sau altul, dar nu pentru mai multe, pentru ca risti sa nu finalizezi/perfectezi nici un tel urmarit. In saptamanile trecute, citind niste articole din Dilemateca, nu-mi mai amintesc exact care, am desprins aceeasi idee. Plus Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam acum cateva saptamani: am vazut o parte din desene. Am ramas intr-atat de impresionata incat, in ciuda obiceiurilor mele bune, mi-am cumparat niste carti despre desenele lui.

M-am integrat, la birou, in mod ciudat, intr-un grup de frantuizoaice.
Redescoperirea placerii barfelor cu iz corporatist. Parca era un foileton pe cu o tipa Ella. N-are nici o legatura cu experienta mea, poate pentru ca nu-i vorba, inca, de sefii si orgolii (la mine).

Realitatea cotidiana este plictisitoare. Ma intrebam de ce sunt mare consumatoare de bloguri. Am inceput cu blogul prietenei mele Adina, care era in Paris, apoi am citit putin din blogul lui Gruia, care mergea spre Sud, din Paris spre/in Spania. Nu mai tin minte daca pana la urma a ajuns sau nu in Maroc. Apoi mi-am inceput propriul blog, public. L-am trecut la privat. Am continuat sa scriu sute de posturi, in timp de inca lucram la PwC Ro. Chestie care nu-i de ici de colo. Apoi m-am mutat, am revenit in blogosfera, in cele din urma, si sunt curioasa cum vor evolua lucrurile in viitor.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Today is Tuesday

And it was all about Advanced Audit and Assurance and some extremely interesting 2 face to 2 face xerox copying techniques.

So, ironically, AAA saved the day.

By stating that I have read about the invitation to tender in the audit business and about the ML techniques I will show you all what a boring people the Romanians really are.

And lastly, this is my last post in English, as apparently I am funnier and more subtle in Romanian (this is a surprise:) ). Not to mention the slight inconvenient that I do think in Romanian (most of the times). So I have to say good bye :) and 'Servus, din nou':).

Monday, March 3, 2008

There had to be two!

So I made two.

Not necessarily because I wanted to. But because I felt like I should.

Be warned: this is a statement. Right now, I’m a woman with a mission.

I have actually read in the Romanian press about the reactions generated by Anthony Bourdain’s show on the Travel Channel about Romania.
So I took the following actions, in succession (after reading a blog post about it several days ago):

1. I read the Romanian article and the 2 comments posted – something you guys might not be able to do just yet:):
2. I watched the youtube material - all the show recorded and posted: (part 1, you’ll navigate yourself from there), God bless the www:)(I didn’t laugh and cry at the same time, honest to God, I was laughing most of the time:) ). The sad part for me was the sight of the simple people in Maramures indulging to the behavior of the (I’m sorry, can’t help it right now) idiots that came from the US with a filming crew. All in all, the show was a fiasco. I don’t know why, it’s Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump that goes: shit happens. Bad choice of guide, of places, bad ideas, bad bad….It was unfunny and poorly staged. I laughed because I know how things are and I can imagine Mr Bourdain’s surprises and reactions and confusions. I didn’t leave Romania because of the people or because of the conditions: hell, you can find holes in the streets, ponds and construction sites everywhere in Luxembourg, ‘Romanian top quality’ (Luxembourg being one of the countries having the highest standard of living and the highest income per capita in the world). Of course, the differences reside in the money allotted to generally amending things (or patching up). I strongly believe you can find all sorts of people everywhere you go (good and bad), there is no place better than the other. What really made my day: he can’t stand the fact that he was looking like an idiot and was responsible for the situation he was in. Sad bloke altogether.
3. I then went to his blog post – read it: . I will not even try to attempt to discuss it, as I found it absolutely irrelevant. Nothing there. But the comments, oh, the comments…gold mine. I loved them, Romania hater Americans versus Romania lover Americans versus Romania lover Romanians living abroad or at home versus Romania hater Romanians versus Romania …versus America…versus….versus…Man, that was a show in itself. Unfortunately, I got bored before the hundredth post - out of 8 (eight) hundred (I measured using my fingers against the LCD screen, sort of primitive, I guess:) )…so I decided to write a post about it in my blog for my non Romanian friends (because of course all my Romanian friends read English, they would probably have an easier time in the US than Bourdain in Romania, if it comes to that:) ).
4. The reason: so it comes to this, to the mission I’ve undertook by writing this. I know I cannot prove wrong the accusations that Romanians don’t have the sense of humor. Apparently they don’t really have a sense of humor. Damned the American software, I can’t bloody write humour because it corrects to humor. And it’s happening to all the words, if at all. Resuming:), I’m not humorous at all. I laughed pretty good at the show and got bored to death at the debate in the comments. It’s really hard to try to follow witty remarks and educated people arguing with proof on different aspects of the issue and then have the half witted Americans (begging your pardon!) with misspelled remarks and incoherent talk (all this in English, mind you:) ). That was really saddening. And boring. So I asked myself: Am I humorous? Do I care about Mr Bourdain? Did I even hear about him before the fuss about this particular show filmed in Romania? It’s a good thing I stopped watching TV a while ago. It just keeps getting better. So the show made me laugh. I’m a Romanian, I love my country, and this man’s show, bad as it was, made me laugh my ass out. Am I crazy? Hope not:). En tout cas as the Frenchmen would put it, this was an eye opener. Someone in the comments said that there was no such thing as bad publicity – hm…I seem to be recalling such an idea from College. Never agreed to the statement anyway. I don’t know about publicity, but I had great fun. I should actually warn you all that the show might not prove funny to watch. Depends on which side are you on. But it certainly rules out from the Americans wanting to visit Romania just the right people: the ones with the spiritual remarks spelled as if by a drop out.
5. The message: Visit Romania! Or …Don’t visit Romania!:), either way, it only makes a difference at a personal level. But be sure to be in pleasant Company, have good food, and good wine, less idiots around and nothing to prove to the world. It might actually work for a change:).
6. For all supplementary information regarding the country: please by all means consult some kind of professional guide, because I have no idea what a non Romanian wants to see, eat, experience coming to my country:). For my part, I want to be with my family, friends, enjoy food and drink and conversation. Much like a Hobbit!

Thoughts in the supermarket at 19.30

This is a post in English as I thought it might be shared with some friends that do not speak Romanian (i.e. they are not Romanians).

It is an eerie feeling walking on the streets and suddenly turning my head to look strangers straight in the eye just because I hear them speak Romanian. But it is something that I can hardly control. I must get used to hearing my mother tongue and not try to identify the 'source' emitting the sounds...:)

Once upon a time...there was a supermarket by the train station. A supermarket I rarely got to see on the inside as it closes at eight. One of the stores that actually keeps open the most in this capital.
I am always amazed of the people one can meet there. There are of course your average Romanians working for the EU various institutions. You can easily recognize them: the alpha male and the ovedressed woman, wearing evening make up with jeans and gucci (might even be the real thing for all I know:) ). Then, there are the people living in my neighbourhood really. The portuguese, italians and (some) spanish filling the gap for the unqualified positions. (For example, all the Italians working in constructions in the building I was working in in the last 2 months must be italians). All the cleaning ladies are portuguese ...but there are some for whom I cannot really distinguish the nationality. Men gathering leaves in the park: a group of portuguese here, a few steps further the loud italians, and then last but not least the Romanians greeting me in Romanian with the nice things men on the street usually utter to women. But I am a Lady:), I never tell I know something if it can be embarassing for the other party. I burst into laughter the minute they can no longer hear me. So if you come across a crazy woman in the park laughing to herself, it's me:).

Then, there are of course the French. They speak sooo much. I have never thought I can meet people that speak more than the Romanians. But here we go:)...

Anyway, the thoughts from the supermarket have nothing to do with the actual differences that you can easily notice at the first glance. They have everything to do with the similarities. People that cannot go earlier to get food (because they would, if they could, as simon and garfunkel would put it:), I believe nobody is interested in being in the shops at the busiest hour) are all together before eight o'clock.

A man with a heavy backpack and a suitcase (not unlike our 'audit bags'). Has ketchup and a quarter of coke, a baguette and a pack of six beers. I look at the suitcase, smaller than hours, with the airport sign attached. He seems tired, keeps sighing.

The group of kids, all wth snaks and chocolate.

The woman with the salad and bio food.

The lady at the counter, not thinking while she passes everything through.

We are what we eat, they say. Our essence, our physical being is the mere product of all the things we decide to purchase at a glance just before the store closes. In a rush, always running from bus to bus, to train, to airplane.

Me, having time to see the few outlined detailes above just because I was in the queue, otherwise, I also go with the flow, I'm in a rush, I choose hastily, I make way towards the counter, I don't have time, who are these people, where is my life going?..

I get out, relieved. I mustn't think that much while going shopping.'s already dark. When did it get dark already? I wonder where all those people go, what are their stories, why are they in a hurry?

Is it possible to actually find a meaning in the simple gesture of picking something from the shelf? What are people thinking? Why do we do this?

(to be continued- or not)

Ps: I got chocolate and meat:)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Niste pareri fara de care se poate trai

Ma refer strict la parerile mele, evident.

Astazi, in afara de un patetic exercitiu de vorbit franceza (am ajuns in final sa discut intr-o frangleza nu departe de modul meu cotidian de comunicare), am facut marele pas, inscrierea pentru examenul de CFA. Asta inseamna asteptarea febrila a cartilor, pe care am sa le ascund imediat (nu stiu inca unde), pentru ca ele au alocate alte saptamani din viata mea, dupa ce voi fi parcurs cele 3 mari carti de ACCA. Si dupa ce am facut asta, fantazand putin la tema calatoriei (am ales ca examenul sa fie la Frankfurt), m-am uitat toata ziua la televizor. Exact, am spus chiar televizor. Trecand peste faptul ca nu ma uit la televizor de aproape 7 ani, pentru ca de fapt nu am televizor. La ce m-am uitat: Mi-am petrecut o minunata dup-amiaza de duminica (ploioasa de fapt), stand cocotata in pat si uitandu-ma pe net la televizor la Jon Stewart. Si am ras. Am ras ore si ore si ore. L-am descoperit pe Jon Stewart de la The daily show (Comedy Central, CNN) atunci cand am ajuns in Luxembourg si am stat in hotel (primele saptamani). In camera de hotel exista evident un televizor si toate canalele erau in germana sau franceza (filmele erau bineinteles dublate). Asa ca am dat peste singurul post ascultabil (nu ma prea uit cu-adevarat), CNN-ul. Asa am prins niste emisiuni Christiane Amanpour si am fost impresionata. Am dat si peste MTV germania si peste niste showuri in engleza (nedublate, dar subtitrate, chestie rara la nemti cred): unu cu o maimuta (fara conotatii rasiale, da tipu' chiar era urat si limitat:), cu o gramada de bani, o legenda a hip-hopului cred, aducea putin a bush junior:) ) combinat cu gagica aia,
Strega Nera din Fantaghiro, am uitat cum ii cheama pe amandoi, iar al doilea cu niste adolescenti englezi care faceau cele mai prostesti lucruri din lume, era o chestie cu zen master si cu templul linistii (adica faceau toate prostiile in biserici sau biblioteci). M-am cultivat 'la ei', intr-un fel in care n-am reusit s-o fac 'la noi'. Dar am dat si peste CNN. Peste doamna Amanpour si peste Jon Stewart si the Daily Show. Si am facut niste cercetari ca sa dau peste site. Dupa care l-am adaugat la 'favorite' si am uitat complet de el, pana saptamana trecuta, cand l-am regasit. Si azi mi-am adus aminte de ce:).

Cand am obosit de Jon Stewart si de felu' in care face el misto de absolut toata lumea - un fel de Carcotasii al lor, mult mai interesant, amuzant si documentat:)...m-am decis sa ma uit pe site-uri in tara. Asta pentru ca nu am chef sa termin ce am de terminat pentru maine la munca:). M-am uitat iara prin favorite: Catavencii tac toti chitic pentru ca am impresia ca trebe sa iasa ziaru maine sau poimaine. (apropo de catavenci, am apucat sa ma uit si la filmuletul de la lectura Imblianzitorului de pe poemix-ul lui Iulian Tanase, si toti cei care povestesc acolo si-si dau cu parerea is niste motanei, in frunte cu domnu' Iulian. Motaneii care spun poezii. Ma rog, poezia e faina faina (am si spus de ea in postu precedent), da ei au fost motanei:), niste motanei alintati:). Catzavencii, carevasazica, nu spun nimica. La Cotidianu sa vedem, ca altceva nu mai citesc, de cand nu mai lucreaza colega mea de facultate la Adevaru':). Ah, ce vremuri, cand traiam si eu, odata cu ea, emotia publicarii articolelor scrise...acuma o devenit si ea femeie serioasa, munceste in departamentul financiar al unei firme:), ca dor' se marita la toamna, tre' sa se lase de chestiile neserioase. Paranteza inchisa. La Cotidianu', nebunie, un articol de weekend generase aproape 400 de comentarii. La noi ca la nimeni, cantitate, nu calitate:). Asa ca au facut un follow-up la articol. Am citit post-articolul, apoi articolul in sine, de fapt un interviu cu nepotul regelui Mihai. Frumusel. Nepotul, nu interviul. Comentariile- incredibile. M-au facut sa nu regret nici macar o secunda decizia de a ma muta la Londra cel tarziu prin vara lui 2009.

Pentru cei care ma cunosc mai bine si zambesc deja pe sub mustata: da, am amanat din nou:), pentru ca vreau sa-mi dau jos aparatul ortodontic inainte de a pleca:). Si sper sa am un discurs mai convingator si mai coerent dupa ce o fac:) - a se citi inteligibil.

Oricum, de citit interviul, post-comentariul facut si mai ales comentariile la interviu:

Eu n-am rezistat decat pana pe la (aproape) jumatate. Unele opinii sunt de-a dreptul socante. Altele, avizate si cu mult bun simt. Dar nu-i nimica de facut: prosti, da' multi; in Romania striga mai tare decat restul. Poate voi fi acuzata de opiniile exprimate acum, dar nu mi se pare normal sa ma lupt cu morile de vant. Asa ca am dat bir cu fugitii pentru o noua sansa. Intr-adevar, n-am decat o masina in rate si un salariu care e doar jumatate din cat iau romanii de pe la institutiile UE. N-am avantaje fiscale, sau reduceri de 60% la BMW cu tapiterie din piele pentru ca reprezint Romania pe la nu stiu ce organism UE. Dar tot ce am facut am facut singura, si in Romania nu as fi avut nimic. Sunt departe de prieteni si cunoscuti, ar spune unii?...Unde, dom'le, sau poate n-ati vazut toate articolele din media despre fata aia de la firma de audit. Nu aveam viata personala. Scurt si sincer. Aici muncesc cu cel putin 50% mai putin ca in tara si macar ce muncesc in plus, este recunoscut si apreciat, ca intr-o societate capitalista, intr-adevar: primesc bani sau concediu... De-asta am concediu de cel putin doua luni. Pentru ca nu am avut nici un weekend liber de la inceputul anului. Ma transform in robotel capitalist? Greu de crezut: unii dintre acesti occidentali ignoranti sunt interesanti si bine pregatiti. Iar eu am citit de cand sunt aici mai mult decat am reusit in Romania in 2 ani de munca. Pentru ca aici, in mijloacele de trasport, citesc Amintiri din pribegie (Neagu Djuvara), nu contracte sau decizii ale consiliilor de administratie.

Imi trec uneori idei prin cap: m-as intoarce in uneori nu-i usor. Sunt fine bariere culturale, oamenii sunt mai distanti. Dar decat sa fiu nevoita sa suport din nou mistocarelile si prea adesea dezgustatoarele familiaritati, mai bine am de-a face cu distanta igienica intre indivizii de aici. Imi lipseste familia, dar cine nu simte nevoia sa zboare din cuib?

M-am luat cu de obicei. Am vrut sa scriu despre interviul cu nepotul fostului monarh si despre reactiile generate. As spune ca sunt opinii foarte diferite, cred ca toate depind de grupul de interese din care un individ face parte, minus nostalgicii monarhiei, care se constituie intr-un grup separat. Greu de gasit prin multitudinea de idiotenii postate, opiniile unor oameni care stiu despre ce vorbesc. Oameni coerenti, lucizi, si, cred eu, senini. Sunt oamenii cu ochiii senini despre care promisesem ca o sa va povestesc. Dar asta in episorul viitor (daca nu uit, sau daca nu imi vine alte o alta idee intre timp).