Friday, March 7, 2008

Dilema noua:)

Ma tot gandesc de azi dimineata cum sa impart postarile in doua. Cum ar fi sa scriu in romana si sa traduc in engleza? Prietenii mei de aici sunt suparati ca nu mai scriu in engleza. Dar n-am nici un haz scriind in engleza, ma oboseste si parca nu sunt eu, suna oarecum artificial.
As incerca varianta R+E, dar trebuie sa renunt la toate nimicurile de peste zi si sa urmaresc o anumita tema. Faptul ca am renuntat la blog-ul meu vechi si m-am mutat aici ma stimuleaza sa redefinesc modul de abordare al acestui mod de comunicare. Va trebui sa re-definesc putin continutul si modul in care in care imi prezint ideile, daca tot am facut re-branding:).

Am avut aseara o discutie interesanta cu un prieten care e acum in Bucuresti. Mi se pare iesit din comun modul in care pune problema relatiilor, problema fostelor sale relatii. Cu modul meu simplist de gandire:), eu imparteam barbatii in doua categorii: cei care vor o relatie 'normala' cu o femeie, adica isi asuma toate placerile si neplacerile care deriva din respectiva relatie si cei care nu vor decat multe femei:). De mult ma suspectez ca modul asta simplist de a pune problema este eronat. Aseara am avut inca o confirmare ca de fapt multi dintre durii inabordabili au nevoie de la fel de multa afectiune ca noi toti (si cand spun noi toti ma refer la femei si barbati deopotriva:) ).
Am discutat putin si despre refugierea in munca. Despre faptul ca, dupa o dezamagire in dragoste, tendinta fireasca este sa te tii deoparte o perioada si intre timp, ca sa nu te gandesti, muncesti non stop. Ca nu tine cu invatatu':), daca incerc sa invat dau in 'visatu' cu ochii deschisi':). Acuma, na, eu mi-am luat masina. Poate scapam mai ieftin cu o bluza sau cu niste pantofi:)). Ne-am tinut de urat, eu si prietenul meu din tara, online, incercand sa ne incurajam sa trecem peste momentele astea. Nu-i rau...:), se putea si mai rau decat sa ne consolam reciproc online:).

English (approximate) translation:

I kept thinking, starting this morning, if there is a way to split my posts. How about writing in Romanian and translating in English? Some friends are upset that I dit not continue to write in English. But I am not funny writing in English, it's tiring and it seems I am not actually the one writing, it sounds artificial.
I would try R+E, but that means that I will have to give up writing all the nonsense going on in a typical day and focus on a specific issue. Giving up my former blog and moving here represents a stimulus for my decision to redefine the way I approach this type of communication. I will also have to re-define the content and the way it is presented, as long as I have done the re-branding already:).

I had an interesting discussion last night with a friend who is now in Bucharest. I believe that his approach of male-female relationships, and specifically of his former relationships, is atypical. I have a rather simplistic approach to this issue: for me, men are either 'normal' and desire a relationship where they are ready to welcome the pleasures and inconveniences that come along, or simply want a lot of women:). I have long thought that my approach might be biased. Last night I had yet another confirmation that a lot of the tough machos (am I repeating the same characteristic? :) ) need as much affection as do all of us (and by all of us I mean women and men alike).
We have also talked about finding refuge in being a workaholic. About the fact that, after having a big personal dissappointment, the normal tendency is to keep aside for a while and meanwhile, work work work in order not to think about it. Learning doesn't help:), if I try to study I find myself day dreaming:). Well, personally, I've bought a car. It might have been a lot cheaper to get a dress or some shoes:). So my friend and I have kept each other company online, trying to encourage one another to get through this period. Not bad:) could have been worse than finding refuge in 'each other's arms' online:).

1 comment:

marcel said...

eu zic sa faci un mic experiment: sa folosest iceva tool de tradus ;) si sa vezi ce obtii.