Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Clientul care nu se mai termina/Neverending client

Da, sunt din nou la clientul acela, singurul, care pare a nu se mai termina. Maine, ziua cea mare, in care viitorul nostru coleg de apartament va vizita viitoarea lui camera. Asa ca am facut curat:), ca sa-l inducem in eroare. Nu in oroare:). La munca, la client toata ziua, cel putin 11 ore pe zi adica...Cel putin o sa-mi plateasca orele suplimentare in martie, si-mi voi putea plati masina. Imi pare rau ca sunt prea obosita ca sa detaliez, mi-ar fi placut sa povestesc pe larg despre cartea lui Radu Pavel Gheo, ca era sa scriu Radu, Pavel si care am inceput-o azi la primarie cand stateam la coada sa imi iau un formular fiscal fara de care nu se poate, despre muncitorii italieni de la client, care toata ziua monteaza birouri si incaperi si asculta Bocelli si alti cantautori (!:) ) italieni, despre colegul senior italian, care e amuzat de conationalii lui constructori, despre romani in Luxembourg si cum sunt ei apreciati si vazuti, despre Luxembourg, aceasta capitala a nivelului de trai, in care toate strazile seamana cu strazile din Bucuresti, in care se lucreaza neincetat de catre muncitori constructori ne-luxemburghezi, in care in fiecare zi se mai inchide o strada si se mai desfunda un loc, in care mai rasare un santier si in care e din ce in ce mai greu sa parcurgi distantele normale (casa-client-birou-primarie-retur). Imi planificasem sa mai scriu ceva si despre emisiunea lui Bourdain, dar am uitat intre timp ce. Mai am mult de invatat pentru ACCA si deja am reusit sa raman in urma. Maine inca o zi grea la client.

Approximate English translation
Yess, again at the client, the only, the neverending client. Tomorrow, the big day when our future apartment mate will visit his future room. So we cleaned up, to make him believe it's gonna be like that:). Not to scare him off:). Work, at the client all day, at least 11 hours per day...At least I will get paid for the overtime, and I will have the money in time to be able to pay for the car. I am sorry I am too tired to go into details, I would have liked to discuss more about the book of Radu Pavel Gheo, I almost wrote Radu, Pavel and Gheo...which I have started today in the townhall when I was waiting in line to get an indispensable tax card, about the italian workers from the client premises, who build up offices and desks all day, listening to Bocelli and other italian singers, about the italian senior, who is amused by the italian workers, about Romanians in Luxembourg and how they are perceived and appreciated, about Luxembourg, this capital of the high income, in which all the streets look like the streets in Bucharest, where the non luxembourgish inhabitants work all day, for which every day brings with it the closure of another street and the re-making of another, where every day one can see yet another construction site and where it becomes harder and harder to walk the normal distances: home- client-office-townhall-retour. I had also planned to write again about Bourdain's show, but meanwhile I forgot what I wanted to add. I have still a lot to learn for ACCA and I am already behind. Tomorrow yet another difficult day at the client.


Benoit said...

J'espère que c'est vraiment propre parce que sinon je ne suis même pas sûr de me déplacer ;-)

A demain et bonne nuit !

Maria Ghibu said...

My dear:), it is of course always very clean, and never tell anything else to my grandmother:)...